November 11th.

There are some people in this world
with their heads stuck in the ground;
like ostriches they sit,
creatures of the earth,
constantly digging for precariously precious metals.

And then there's us:

The people in this world
with their heads up in the clouds;
we sway back and forth like giraffes
with our elongated necks high and proud
because we're so very sure of our dreams,
the small intangible things
that are ever so endearing to our round drooping eyes.


  1. There are tin can eating goats too
    who stubbornly graze lush green pastures
    never seeing what's beyond
    the next blade of grass

    1. Ooh, I like that. That is true. Sorry for not noticing these comments sooner... It appears I should check the comments sections more often!


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