
Showing posts from January, 2014


I have become greedy. Greedy for time. Greedy for time to do nothing, greedy for time to do everything. And it has pulled me in so many directions, some of which I didn't know I could be pulled to.  I don't know if it's bad to be greedy for time, because when you think about it, there never is enough. There's never enough time for what I want to do, and there's especially never enough time for what I need to do. And when I want to do nothing, there isn't enough time for that either. At least, it doesn't feel like it.  Time is slipping away from me, slowly but surely, and I feel it every day, laughing at me from afar.  I want it to last a while, string it out just a little bit longer, postpone every affair in my life just a little bit further. And if I can do that, then maybe I'll be satisfied. But that kind of just starts the entire cycle over again, doesn't it?

Remember when...

R emember when our fists were the perfect size to rub our eyes in the morning? R emember when playing pretend was our secret way of hiding magical worlds from the grown-ups? R emember when we would wake up early on the weekends to watch cartoons? R emember when everybody was happy all the time? R emember when summer lasted half a year instead of three months? R emember when everyone was friends with everyone? R emember when girls had cooties and boys were gross? Oh wait... R emember when "true love" was only in fairy tales? R emember when we thought we could do anything if we simply believed? R emember when things were simple, and all we had to do was dream? Sometimes I like to recall the days of old, and all the wonderful, crazy memories I made as a child. Nostalgia can be both a blessing and a curse, but what matters most is how we choose to act from here on out with the burdens and delights we carry from our past.